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Anti-Obama billboard in Colorado taken down

A billboard in western Colorado that used caricatures to depict President Barack Obama as a terrorist, gangster, Mexican bandit and a gay man has been taken down.
Image: a colorful billboard depicting US President Barack Obama as a suicide bomber, a gangster, a Mexican bandit and a gay
This colorful billboard mocking President Barack Obama was denounced by Republican and Democratic leaders alike.GRETEL DAUGHERTY / AFP - Getty Images
/ Source: staff and news service reports

A billboard in western Colorado that used caricatures to depict President Barack Obama as a terrorist, gangster, Mexican bandit and a gay man has been taken down.

The sign along an Interstate 70 business loop in Grand Junction drew criticism from local Republicans and Democrats.

Doris Downey, owner of J&S Fence Co., where the billboard was erected, said the sign's presence was a major disruption to her business.

“It was hard for my trucks to get out and hard for customers to come in,” Downey told the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel hours after the sign was taken down Friday morning. “I defend the freedom of speech people have to put up the sign, but I have to say I’m thrilled it’s gone.”

Downey said the owners of the billboard company, Bud’s Signs, removed it after receiving threats from people who didn’t care for it, the Daily Sentinel reported.

The artist, Paul Snover, of nearby Loma, has said he received what he calls "very hateful" e-mails and phone calls over the sign, which he said was designed to be an editorial cartoon.

Snover has said he couldn't reveal who paid for the billboard. The Daily Sentinel said he didn't return calls to explain why it was removed.

The owner of a company where the sign was erected says she's glad it's gone because it attracted such a crowd.