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Pixable Reveals Top Photos of 2012

Pixable, an app that shows all of your friends' photos posted to social media sites, has compiled the most shared photos of the year. The Obamas' victory hug and Michael Phelps's winning Olympic smile shared the spotlight with other events from 2012. With a click or two, you can also see the top photos from your own social group.
/ Source: TechNewsDaily

Pixable, an app that shows all of your friends' photos posted to social media sites, has compiled the most shared photos of the year. The Obamas' victory hug and Michael Phelps's winning Olympic smile shared the spotlight with other events from 2012. With a click or two, you can also see the top photos from your own social group.

If you're not familiar with Pixable, you may mistake it for another  Instagram , but it's quite different. Pixable is not a photo-sharing app but rather a social photo aggregator, pulling in your friends' photos from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Once you've created an account, link your social media accounts to see the top photos and videos posted by your friends in each network.

Pixable organizes photos and video in several different ways for your  Facebook  feed. You can see those that were most recently posted, those that received the most likes and comments in their respective networks each day and for the week, as well as photos posted as new profile pictures. Twitter and Instagram are not broken down into separate categories. However, you can add a  hashtag  to any photo or video from the three networks, which makes them searchable within Pixable.

It's a simple, time-saving way to see all of your friends' photos without scrolling through endless streams of tweets and posts. The app is available free for iPhone and iPad, and accessible to all from the Pixable website.