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Countdown to 'Countdown'

Simultaneous 'Countdown' of the top news stories exclusively  at

Deep Throat: hero or turncoat? — It is impossible to re-create the picture of Richard Nixon's Presidential Administration that emerged — even in the proverbial "iceberg" form — in 1972 and 1973... Paranoid, bent on revenge, viewing the constitution and the laws of the country as optional, trying to manipulate who the other political party nominated for president — as Nixon himself would later put it, "When the President does it, it's not illegal."  Given that context — was Mark Felt, Deep Throat himself — a , a , or a law-breaker?  Felt-as-Throat-candidate was always thought to have, at best, mixed motives, upset that he didn't succeed J. Edgar Hoover as head of the FBI.  And/or, concerned that the FBI's Watergate investigation of the White House seemed to be less than rigorous and, under the control of the White House.  The subject even came up at the White House today.  Complete with the question, "is Mark Felt a hero?"

Laguna landslide — It's another edition of "Things That Could Kill You, But Probably Won't".  This is somewhat regionally-specific to Southern California.  Then again, a lot of people live in Southern California.  , as are earthquakes — but usually, only during the rainy season.  June 1 is not the rainy season in Laguna Beach, California.  Though, you couldn’t tell the difference after .

Addicted to love — Remember those dopey anti-drug ads? "This here's your brain," the guy would say, holding an egg..."And this here's your brain on drugs," he'd conclude, as he smashed the egg against a skillet.  Well, apparently the same imagery is applicable to love.  .  It turns out the late rocker Robert Palmer was right.