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'Hamilton' Creator Lin-Manuel Miranda Just Won a Pulitzer

Lin-Manuel Miranda has won many prestigious awards for his Broadway hit 'Hamilton,' and Monday he snagged the big one: a Pulitzer Prize for drama.
Actor Lin-Manuel Miranda speaks during an event with the cast of the Broadway play "Hamilton" in the East Room of the White House, on Monday, March 14, 2016, in Washington.
Actor Lin-Manuel Miranda speaks during an event with the cast of the Broadway play "Hamilton" in the East Room of the White House, on Monday, March 14, 2016, in Washington.

Lin-Manuel Miranda has won many prestigious awards for his Broadway hit "Hamilton," and Monday he snagged the big one: a Pulitzer Prize for drama.

Miranda's musical, a hip-hop musical based on the life of founding father Alexander Hamilton — done with a multicultural cast - has transformed Broadway. "Hamilton" is one of only nine musicals to have ever won the Drama award.

Miranda, of Puerto Rican heritage, humbly expressed his gratitude on social media.

RELATED: As a Kid, 'Hamilton' Creator 'Loved to Play with Words,' Say His Parents

Thousands of people Tweeted and posted photos to Instagram to congratulate Miranda and the cast. The cast of Sesame Street even joined in the cheers.

The cast has performed numbers on live TV at the Grammys, as well as in the White House for Pres. Barack Obama, his family and an array of guests.

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