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Austrian Postal Workers Resort to Bribery With Dogs

Austria's postal service is offering 9,000 workers dog treats to help them bribe their way to the mailbox and make new puppy pals.
A German shepherd puppy named Tsunami attends a news conference at the American Kennel Club in New York, Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2013. The club announced their list of the most popular dog breeds in 2012 and the German shepherd comes in second only to the Labrador retriever in popularity. \Seth Wenig / ASSOCIATED PRESS
/ Source: NBC News

MAINZ, Germany — Austria's postal service is offering 9,000 workers dog treats to help them bribe their way to the mailbox and make new puppy pals.

A local pet food manufacturer will provide about 10 tons of the snacks per year.

“We had a total of 47 dog attacks in 2014 and every bite is one bite too many,” spokesman Michael Homola told NBC News on Monday. "Until recently, many employees bought dog treats with their own money."

The move follows an increase in dog attacks in the European country and will allow postal workers to "bribe the dogs in their districts after receiving consent" from their owners, Homola said.

Austrian Post AG is also giving staff a brochure highlighting the tips for when encountering a canine.

“For postmen with fear of dogs and in other specific cases, we offer special training and counseling for the postmen,” Homola added.