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First Responder Proposes to Woman He Helped Save

Cameron Hill responded to a 911 in January 2012 of woman who had been brutally attacked by her ex-boyfriend. Three years later, they are now engaged.

What started as a night of nightmares ended in a magical proposal Monday night in front of thousands of people at a Florida baseball game.

On January 24th, 2012, EMTs in Clearwater, Florida responded to the scene of a brutal attack. Melissa Dohme's ex-boyfriend had convinced her to meet him that night. When she arrived, he pulled out a pocket knife and proceeded to stab her 32 times in the face, back, arms, hands, and shoulders.

Cameron Hill, a firefighters and one of the first responders on the scene, told the Tampa Bay Times that there was so much blood, "you couldn't tell she was blond." But when Melissa was flown to the hospital, Cameron knew he would somehow see her again.

Melissa flatlined at the hospital four times, but miraculously survived the attack.

That fall, Dohme and Hill reconnected and a romance slowly blossomed. Hill stood by Melissa's side a year later as she faced her ex-boyfriend in court when he pleaded guilty to attempted first-degree murder and domestic abuse.

Since the attack, Melissa has become a domestic violence advocate for a local non-profit, Hands Across the Bay, and spends her free time raising awareness about the issue. Her work led her to be asked to throw the ceremonial first pitch Monday night at the Tampa Bay Ray's baseball game, according to NBC affiliate WFLA.

After Melissa took to the mound on the field, Cameron stepped out to bring her the baseball. Melissa quickly realized there was a special message written on it, the words "Will you marry me?" in red ink.

Hill then dropped down to one knee and proposed. Dohme said yes.

"I have never been so happy in my life! Just completely blown away at the love I have for this man and also learning about ALL he went through to make this surprise "first pitch" engagement possible," Melissa wrote on Facebook. "I love you Cameron, forever & always."

Cameron Hill and Melissa Dohme on the field after the proposal.
Cameron Hill and Melissa Dohme on the field after the proposal.Support Melissa Facebook Page