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Read Chris Hall's written statement to the judge

Read the written statement that Chris Hall submitted for his sentencing hearing on July 22, 2011, as featured in the Dateline report Someone Was Watching from Sunday, February 24th, 2013: 

On June 7th, 2007, I lost my wife and my daughters lost their mother to a tragic accident. No matter how it is twisterd - 1/2 truths told or wild theories provided - the truth is it was a tragic accident that has devastated our family.

I loved Cristi on that day and I love her even more today.  Contrary to what has been told in this court there has never been any act of violence in our home let alone some "hidden rage of violence" as portrayed by the DA.

Cristi and I have 3 beautiful daughters that have grown up in a loving home to be smart, intelligent women.  As the girls were planning their adult lives, Cristi and I were looking forward to the rest of our lives together.  Cristi was my best friend and lover and I miss her terribly.

No matter how many high fives, back slaps, or congratulations that were provided on May 31st, 2011, it does not change the truth - and that I did not and never have hurt nor raised a hand to Cristi.

As much as I wish and know that I should not be here today being sentenced to a crime that did not even happen let alone I commit. There is nothing more you can do to me.  The worst day of my life has already happened on June 7, 2007.

Right now the only thing keeping me going is our 3 daughters Courtney, Briana, and Ashtin.  For if it was not for them and their future families I am not sure how I would feel about life at all.