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'The Worm' describes a sober life after the NBA

Former 'Bad Boy,' Bull and Laker Rodman talks with Cosby about new book
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NBA superstar Dennis Rodman is back in the spotlight. The 44-year-old who isn't in the NBA but still playing basketball in the start-up American Basketball Association, says his career is not over.  In fact, it's just beginning. 

He recently published his third book, giving details of life after the NBA, entitled 'I Should be Dead by Now."

On Monday, he joined MSNBC's Rita Cosby on 'Live and Direct' to discuss the book, his life, his career and more.

To read an excerpt of their conversation, continue to the text below. To watch the video, click on the "Launch" button to the right.

RITA COSBY:  How is life after the NBA? 

DENNIS RODMAN:  Well, it's great, you know.  I've been very successful with my agent, Darren Prince.  And we've been on this whirlwind experience with the book and everything else. 

COSBY:  You know, people are just so fascinated with you.  Why did you decide this title?  This is a pretty brave title, "I Should be Dead by Now."

RODMAN:  You know, I used to use that when I was going to Vegas and doing my binges, my parties, stuff like that.  I'm like, "Gosh, I should be dead," you know, after a hangover, "I should be dead," all the things I've done, you know, and partying, and women. ... You know, we got, "Bad as I Want to Be," "Walk on the Wild Side," and "I Should be Dead by Now."  And it's a good book.  It's a very good book.

COSBY:  And it's revealing, because you've been sober, what, for two years? 

RODMAN:  Oh, yes. 

COSBY:  What made you decide, OK, I've got to quit all this?  You're married now, right?  This is the third time, right?  Third time's a charm? 


COSBY:  So we'll get the details later.  All right.

RODMAN:  No, you know, just, you know, the one day in Vegas, you know, acting a fool, got on a motorcycle which I never do and thought I was a big bad ass and got in an accident.  And after that, I said, "Wait a minute.  I've got to slow down.  I've got to slow down before"-I tore my ankles, my knees, my chin.  I mean, I broke my legs and everything.  And I said, "I got to stop."

COSBY:  How tough is it to be a bad boy, because, you know, you were known as the rough and tumble guy of the NBA.  And you look at folks like, look, Terrell Owens.

RODMAN:  Well, you know what?  Terrell Owens is not even a bad guy.  I mean, I met Terrell many, many times.  And I just think that he wants to be in that image, to be a bad guy, but not a bad person.

And just like me, I'm not a bad person.  But I just like to have that image where people say, "I like you, I like you.  You're good, but you're bad, too." You know, but I'm a good bad, not a bad bad.

COSBY:  Yes, you got a soft side.

RODMAN:  I've got a soft side, too...

COSBY:  Now, I love your description of the game that you played so well.  You described the NBA -- I love this -- "50 percent sex and the other 50 percent is money."  What about the sport?

RODMAN:  You know, if you look at it, people say, "I wish I had your job."  Why?  Well, you get all the women.  You get all the money.  And you're famous. 

OK, and?  What about the sport, like you say?  What about the sport?  I took the sport very seriously, if you ask Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, anybody I played with will tell you I took that game really serious.  And when I was playing on the basketball floor, I always was Dennis Rodman the basketball player first.  And off the court, yeah. 

COSBY:  But you were able to juggle the two -- in fact, Scores.  You've been to Scores.  I love this story recently.  I'm sure you heard about this.

RODMAN:  I was there last night. 

COSBY:  How much did you spend last night? 

RODMAN:  I spent about $400, $400.  That's it.  It was a light night, $400. 

COSBY:  Four hundred dollars.  A guy spent -- I don't know, did you see this?  This big executive spent $241,000 bucks in one night. 

RODMAN:  Yes, in one night.

COSBY:  Is that possible? 

RODMAN:  That is very possible.  I've seen it.  I've seen many guys spend $50,000, $60,000, $70,000 in one night into a strip joint.  And, you know, it's not a bad thing to go there, because you want to have some peace and quiet.  Sounds kind of good, don't it?

COSBY:  Yes, does it?

RODMAN:  Actually sounds kinds of good, doesn't it?

COSBY:  I heard you don't like lap dances. 

RODMAN:  I don't get lap dances at all.  I just watch. 

COSBY:  So what do you do?  Is it like "Playboy"?  You just read for the articles? 

RODMAN:  I don't even look at "Playboy."  I pretty much just go there, just have a good time, you know, smoke a couple cigars.  It's all good. 

COSBY:  What do you see as ahead for you with your life now?  Where do you see?  I know you've been on Jay Leno.  In fact, one of the things-you're almost tied for, the most appearances, right? 

RODMAN:  Yes, most appearances.

COSBY:  What, 27 you've had? 

RODMAN:  Twenty seven.

COSBY:  Pam Anderson's had, what, 29? 

RODMAN:  Twenty nine.  And, believe it or not, Terry Bradshaw is before me.  I'm, like, what a minute, what has he done.  You know, like to have 28? OK, great.  But I'm going back in January, so it'll be 28 for me. 

COSBY:  And you're going to be on pretty soon, right? 

RODMAN:  I'm going to be on pretty soon for the Lingerie Bowl.  And I'm doing that in L.A., so I'm, you know, bringing all the girls out, having a good time on Jay Leno. 

COSBY:  And only spend $40 bucks, right? 

RODMAN:  Well, $40 bucks... but, you know, like I said, this book here, it's great, you know?  Thanks to Darren Prince and all the guys at the publishing company, writing a book ... you know, it's just not my last one.

COSBY:  No, I'm sure-like I said, this is probably just the beginning.


COSBY:  And, quick question, what color is your hair?  Now, you've had somebody cut it.

RODMAN:  Just black.

COSBY:  Can we see it?

RODMAN:  It's black.  It's all black, see?

COSBY:  Oh, hey.  Is it for good luck, I can rub it?

RODMAN:  Can we go to a commercial break?

COSBY:  Trouble there.  Thank you.  We're going to read your book. 

Watch 'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' each night at 9 p.m. ET on MSNBC.