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Mother arrested. Could face Negligent Homicide charges for death of 22-Month old infant.

Sheriff's Deputies Say the little boy was found dead in a bed he was sharing with six other young children.
/ Source: KYMA-TV

Deputies say the family was living in a trailer with no electricity or heat... They say the mother couldn't adequately care for her children because of her drug use. On Thursday Yuma County Sheriff's arrested 29-Year old Claudia Contreras at her residence on three counts for the death of her 22-month old son.

Contreras could face charges of Child Endagerment, Use of Dangerous Drugs, and Negligent homicide.

The infant found dead - lying face down in bed in a residence in this trailer park in Yuma.

Major Leon Wilmot of the Yuma County Sherrif's Office says he's not surprised.

" This is just another instance that we've experienced in criminal cases where the effects of methamphetamine have done this, brought us into another tragic situation, as a child has died as a result of Negligence."

Drug Counselors at CrossRoads Mission says they agrees that Meth can alter one's reality, making it easy to ignore loved ones.

"The Drug becomes the Ultimate King of their world or Queen. They will do anything to get that high and abandon people they would normally love and they still love." said Bill Vandruff.

Wilmot says the Meth problem in the desert southwest continues to be a huge problem and is adimant about stopping it.

"We need to address the this in our community, to hold people responsible. That's why the narcotics taskforce is being put together to hit hard and it will be hitting hard."

Crossroads Mission Helps Anyone With Drug Or Alcohol Addictions With A 12-Step Program.

If You Or Someone You Know Has An Addiction To Meth... Please Call Them At 928-783-9362.