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Flight attendant pleads not guilty to plane fire

A flight attendant has pleaded not guilty to setting a fire inside a jetliner lavatory.
/ Source: The Associated Press

A flight attendant has pleaded not guilty to setting a fire inside a jetliner lavatory.

Eder Rojas appeared in federal court in Fargo, North Dakota, where the May flight from Minneapolis to Saskatchewan was forced to land. He is charged with knowingly and willfully setting fire to an aircraft.

A federal prosecutor says Rojas was also on a plane whose bathroom caught fire about five weeks earlier. In both cases, says the prosecutor, Rojas helped put out the fire.

Authorities said in the May incident, Rojas used a lighter to set fire to paper towels in the plane's bathroom because he was upset about having to work the route. No injuries were reported.

Rojas was released to the custody of his father. Trial is scheduled for July 21st.