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New Twitter Scam Won't Show You Your 'Stalkers'

There is no way to find out who's "stalking" you on Twitter, despite the best efforts of phishing scammers to convince you otherwise.
/ Source: SecurityNewsDaily

There is no way to find out who's "stalking" you on Twitter, despite the best efforts of phishing scammers to convince you otherwise.

Messages have been spreading around the social networking site today (Aug. 12) advertising "StalkTrak," an app that promises to reveal all your Twitter stalkers, the security vendor Sophos reported.

The posts read, "Twitter finally released an app that tracks your 'Stalkers' get it here," followed by a shortened link, which takes Web surfers who click it to what appears to be a legitimate Twitter page that asks them to authorize StalkTrak to access their profiles.

Twitter users who can't resist the temptation to know who's stalking them and grant StalkTrak authorization privileges by handing over their emails and passwords will quickly realize their mistake; there is no StalkTrak app, and the cybercriminals behind the fake app phishing scam will "be able to use your account to read your private messages, send messages (perhaps spam-related or containing malicious links) to your followers," Sophos wrote.

If you come across these messages on Twitter, do not click on the attached links, and remember, there are no apps on any social network that can show you who is stalking you. To mitigate the negative effects of phishing attacks, make sure you keep your computer outfitted with up-to-date anti-virus software.