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Openly gay congressman becomes a parent

Rep. Jared Polis of Colorado has announced the birth of a new son, making him the only openly gay member of Congress to be a parent.
/ Source: staff and news service reports

Rep. Jared Polis of Colorado has announced the birth of a new son, making him the only openly gay member of Congress to be a parent.

While few details of the birth were made available, the Democratic congressman's press office did release the announcement that Polis, 36, and his partner, Marlon Reis, sent to friends and family.

The announcement said Caspian Julius was born on Friday and weighed in at 8 pounds, 12 ounces. The announcement asked well-wishers for "nice thoughts for Caspian, humankind, the planet and the universe."

The Boulder Weekly said that in the birth announcement Polis and Reis also wrote, “Baby has learned to cry already!”

It was unclear whether the baby was adopted or born through a surrogate; Polis has called it a private matter.

Polis is one of four openly gay members of Congress. He's serving his second term in office.