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Dominion's Va. North Anna 2 nuke exits refuel

Dominion Resources Inc.'s <D.N> 921 megawatt North Anna 2 nuclear unit in Virginia exited a refueling outage and ramped up to 80 percent by early Tuesday, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission said in its power reactor status report.
/ Source: Reuters

Dominion Resources Inc.'s 921 megawatt North Anna 2 nuclear unit in Virginia exited a refueling outage and ramped up to 80 percent by early Tuesday, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission said in its power reactor status report.

The unit had been shut since about May 3.

The unit, which is on an 18-month cycle, last shut for refueling and major overhaul from Sept. 7-Feb. 3, 2003.

Meanwhile, the adjacent 921 MW unit 1 continued to operate at full power.

The North Anna station is located in Mineral, Virginia, about 50 miles northwest of Richmond, Virginia.

Dominion operates the station for its owners, Dominion (88.4 percent) and Old Dominion Electric Coop (11.6 percent).