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Kitten survives 275-mile ride next to car engine

A 6-week-old kitten made it through a harrowing journey in Germany unharmed.
/ Source: Reuters

A German couple were shocked after a 275 mile car journey to discover a surprise stowaway cowering next to the engine of their car — a 6-week-old kitten.

The meows of the tiny animal only became audible after Elisabeth and Dieter Gesehl had parked their car.

"First of all we called the police as we feared for a moment that we must have run over and seriously injured a cat," the 64-year-old woman from Eggenfelden, Germany, told Bonn express newspaper.

After checking under the hood, however, they discovered the unharmed kitten. The animal, which the couple have since adopted and named "Pussy", was soon back to normal after a few minutes of petting.