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Sunday on MTP: The Politics of Security

Fresh off a fight in Congress over the Department of Homeland Security budget, the House Majority Leader joins Chuck to talk about pressing issues.

EXCLUSIVE: As Congress fights over homeland security funding, ISIS continues to threaten both our allies and our enemies in the Middle East. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy will discuss how Republicans are approaching the politics of security.

Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA)

House Majority Leader

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LOOKING AHEAD TO 2016: The annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) has presidential hopefuls and their foreign policy fluency - or lack thereof - on display. In his CPAC speech, Carson said he would first ask our military to destroy ISIS if he were to run for president.

Dr. Ben Carson

Professor Emeritus of Neurosurgery, Johns Hopkins University & Author, “One Nation”

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THE BIBI DIVIDE: Some Democrats are choosing to skip Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s upcoming speech to Congress. Will the address affect upcoming Israeli elections? Is this contentious party split indicative of more complicated U.S. relations with our long-time ally?

Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)

Fmr. Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT)

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POLITICAL PANEL: What does Republican Party infighting over DHS funding mean for the future of immigration policy? Will foreign policy rise to dominate the 2016 presidential race? The panel tackles all of this and more.

Chris Cillizza

Political Reporter, The Washington Post

Helene Cooper

Pentagon Correspondent, The New York Times

Hugh Hewitt

Host, “The Hugh Hewitt Show”

Maria Hinojosa

Host, NPR’s “Latino USA”

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