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Fans Adore Punxsutawney Phil Despite His Dire Prediction

<p>Fans of Punxsutawney Phil cheer after he emerged from his burrow on Gobblers Knob in Punxsutawney.</p>
Image: Punxsutawney Phil predicts the Weather on Groundhog Day
The crowd looks on as Inner Circle member Ron Ploucha (L) holds Punxsutawney Phil the weather prognosticating groundhog while talking with reporters during the Groundhog Day celebration at Gobblers Knob in Punxsutawney, Penn. on Feb. 2. Phil saw his shadow and predicted six more weeks of winter.DAVID MAXWELL / EPA

Fans of Punxsutawney Phil cheer after he emerged from his burrow on Gobblers Knob in Punxsutawney, Pa., to see his shadow and forecast six more weeks of winter weather on Sunday. This year's Groundhog Day celebration marks a winter that has brought extreme cold to stretches of the country wholly unaccustomed to it, as well as a snow and ice storm that paralyzed Atlanta and other Southern cities.

Image: Punxsutawney Phil
Groundhog Punxsutawney Phil peers out of his enclosure onstage after his annual weather prediction on Gobbler's Knob on the 128th Groundhog Day.STEPHANIE STRASBURG / Reuters
Image:  Punxsutawney Phil
Gobblers Knob in Punxsutawney, Penn. was packed with Punxsutawney Phil fans as he made he prediction for six more weeks of winter on Feb. 2.Gene J. Puskar / AP