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Water bottle makes unintended cameo on 'Game of Thrones' finale

The latest foul-up came two weeks after modern coffee cup somehow made it on screen of the wildly popular HBO show.
Image: Maisie Williams, Isaac Hempstead Wright, and Sophie Turner in the series finale of HBO's \"Game of Thrones.\"
Maisie Williams, Isaac Hempstead Wright, and Sophie Turner in the series finale of HBO's "Game of Thrones."Macall B. Polay / HBO

With all the fire raining from dragons above, it's a good thing modern hydration was available in Westeros.

Eagle-eyed "Game of Thrones" fans spotted a plastic water bottle behind Sir Samwell Tarly's left foot in Sunday night's series finale, drawing a kingdom's worth of laughs and scorn to the wildly popular HBO show.

Netizen Melissa Valliant probably wrote for most "G.O.T." fans when she tweeted a picture of the water bottle with, "For real, guys?" and the emoji of a woman, palm in face.

The water mishap came during a key moment of the show as Tyrion Lannister, played by Peter Dinklage, appeared before a council focused on who should rule.

"All hail King Water Bottle, of House Plastic, first of his name! What a finale, and this is what people choose to focus on," the fan tweeted.

And Olympic diver Steele Johnson said he's afraid a low-level production assistant's career could be sunk by this slip-up.

"I’ve never seen Game of Thrones before, but I fear for the PA who left a Starbucks cup AND a water bottle in the shot during two separate episodes," the diver tweeted.

This water gaffe came two weeks after a rogue coffee cup, complete with a plastic sippy to-go top, also made an unscripted "G.O.T." appearance.

After the coffee mishap, HBO issued a comical sorry-not-sorry apology.

"The latte that appeared in the episode was a mistake," HBO said in a statement. "Daenerys had ordered an herbal tea."

HBO said it would edit out the coffee cup in future airings of the episode. It wasn't immediately clear Monday what the future of the water bottle would be.