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Asians are fastest-growing race group in US, Census Bureau says

The Asian population grew faster than any other racial group in the U.S. over the last decade, increasing by sizable margins in nearly every state, the U.S. Census Bureau reported Wednesday.

Overall, the Asian population grew 43 percent from 2000 to 2010, from 10.2 million to 14.7 million. That’s four times faster than the total U.S. population growth in the same period.


The Asian alone-or-in-combination population grew by at least 30 percent in all states except for Hawaii (11 percent increase). The states with the most growth were Nevada (116 percent), Arizona (95 percent), North Carolina (85 percent), North Dakota (85 percent) and Georgia (83 percent).

The Asian population grew in every region of the U.S., but was most heavily concentrated in the West (46 percent). Nearly three-fourths of all Asians lived in 10 states: California (5.6 million), New York (1.6 million), Texas (1.1 million), New Jersey (0.8 million), Hawaii (0.8 million), Illinois (0.7 million), Washington (0.6 million), Florida (0.6 million), Virginia (0.5 million), and Pennsylvania (0.4 million).

New York (1.1 million) had the largest Asian population among cities -- more than double that of runner-up Los Angeles (484,000).

The Chinese population was the largest Asian group, followed by Filipino and Asian Indian.

Read the full Census report

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