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Facebook to add photo filters to mobile app

Popular iPhone app Instagram allows users to apply a variety of filters to their photos in order to alter their appearances.
Popular iPhone app Instagram allows users to apply a variety of filters to their photos in order to alter their appearances.Instagram

The folks at Facebook know that most people love to share photos. They also know that many of those people adore altering their snapshots with apps such as Instagram. Put two and two together and you get ... photo filters added to Facebook's mobile app.

The New York Times' Nick Bilton reports that two Facebook engineers have shared some vague details about this new feature on the condition of anonymity:

The new feature has been ready for some time, according to two engineers who work at Facebook, but Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s chief executive, hopes his engineers and artists create more filters before releasing the new product. 


The engineers said Facebook will introduce almost a dozen photo filters, including some that are similar to Instagram like old-style camera lenses and grainy film. Facebook will also try to introduce new styles of filters with the hopes of drawing users away from other photo apps.

There aren't any specific details regarding when we'll see the photo filters in the Facebook app, but Bilton suggests that the addition will happen in "the coming months."

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Rosa Golijan writes about tech here and there. She's obsessed with Twitter and loves to be liked on FacebookOh, and she can be found on Google+, too.