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Here's how the London riots spiked the Internet


Twitter set a record, BBC received the most news media traffic, and visitors to Sky News more than doubled. These are some of the numbers GoSquared culled to create a visualization of how the London riots played out on the Internet.

It should come as no surprise that as the London riots spread from the starting point at Tottenham, news of the violence and vandalism spread across the Internet. As the infographic shows, Web traffic started to creep up Monday night as the media learned rioters used BlackBerry's private BBM service to coordinate mayhem, rather than Twitter, the communication method of choice during the Egypt rising.

Twitter did get its share of action. Described by Experion Hitwise analyst James Murray as "the ideal discussion platform to spread updates on major news events like the riots," Twitter received its biggest spike in UK traffic ever. Here's what all that looked like.


via The Next Web

More on social media and the London riots: 

Helen A.S. Popkin goes blah blah blah about the Internet. Tell her to get a real job on Twitter and/or FacebookAlso, Google+.