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Matt Damon schools reporter on his view of teachers

Matt Damon was among those who gathered outside the White House for the July 30 Save our Schools March, which was meant to "put the public back in public schools." Michelle Fields, a reporter from Reason.TV, approached Damon (whose mother Nancy Carlsson-Paige is a teacher, and spoke at the event) about his stance on teacher tenure and Damon proved he's put a lot of thought into the subject.

Fields began by pointing out that in acting, there is no job security, then asked if that was incentive to work hard and be a better actor because you want to have a job ... "then why isn't it like that for teachers?"

Well Damon wasn't having any of the analogy. "You think job security is what makes me want to work hard? I want to be an actor, and that's the thing. You take this MBA-style thinking ... it's the problem with ed(ucation) policy right now ... it's like saying a teacher is going to get lazy when they have tenure. A teacher wants to teach."

Watch the un-bleeped clip from Reason.TV (complete with a "Good Will Hunting" scene cut-in) right here:

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