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Meow! Hank the cat running for Senate

Hank the cat in an official campaign photo.
Hank the cat in an official campaign

The claws are out in the in the Virginia Senate race. Former Virginia Governors George Allen and Tim Kaine might be up against "Hank," a cat running as an Independent. (I love America).

Hip to social media, the cat's got a Facebook page and Twitter account set-up, and just released his first campaign ad on YouTube.

Swamped with media requests and new-found attention, his website has been crashing all day.

The 9-year-old Tabby touts himself as an advocate of job creation and protecting consumer data.

Federal law states anyone running for Senate must be at least 30-years-old. So basically, in cat-years he's 52, already on his way to middle-aged politician status.