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Post Show Thoughts: Countdown to Debates

Just three days before the all-important first presidential debate and the Romney campaign seemed to raise expectations this morning on Meet the Press - a different tone they've taken previously about the meeting. 

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, a key Romney supporter, put added significance on Wednesday night's match-up by says "come Thursday morning, the entire narrative of this race is going to change."

The president's senior adviser took that opening and ran with it saying, "If it's going to fundamentally change, that means in seven or ten days from now, you'll see states like Ohio tied, states like Iowa tied, because that's what really matters here." He also added that Romney has "prepared more than any candidate in history."

Plouffe also defended the administration's position about the events that took place in Benghazi, Libya, ultimately leading to the death of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens. Plouffe called the notion that the White House withheld information for political purposes, "preposterous and really offensive."  But he also denied that there was an “intelligence failure”.

You can watch the entire broadcast on our website including a lively discussion on our roundtable about the debate, and which question our guests would ask if they were moderating.

Also, don't forget tomorrow to watch the Massachusetts Senate debate David is moderating between incumbent Republican Senator Scott Brown and Democratic challenger Elizabeth Warren.

We'll be back next week. If it's Sunday, it's Meet the Press.