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Pre-caffeine tech: Amazing animals, X-rated domains!

via Cracked

Our pre-caffeine roundup is a collection of the hottest, strangest, and most amusing stories of the morning. Here's everything that you need to know before taking that first sip of coffee today: 

President Barack Obama is on Foursquare... but is he mayor of the Whitehouse?

In other Foursquare firsts, the location-based social network just launched a new feature to let you plan future check-ins and share trips

In preparation for a new triple-x Internet domain, lawyers are scrambling to prevent an x-rated rip-off of an invaluable asset: corporate Web addresses.

Eight in 10 Americans depend on cellphones ... and you would 't believe how many people pretend to be on the phone to avoid talking to people in real life. Well, maybe you will.

Here's why we can't upgrade our gadgets fast enough.

Like any edgy neighborhood homesteaded by hipsters, Google+ is now being gentrified by the "Kids and Cabernet" crowd, according to Experian Hitwise

Speaking of Google and Motorola and a bunch of other stuff, Larry Page has completely taken over.

Remember Charlie "Bit My Finger" of YouTube Fame? He's now the  spokesperson For Gerber Finger Foods.

The first 1M users got into the Harry Potter website Pottermore ... here's what that's like.

In closing, here are 15 animals that are totally not Photoshopped!

Helen A.S. Popkin goes blah blah blah about the Internet. Tell her to get a real job on Twitter and/or FacebookAlso, Google+.