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Pre-caffeine tech: More hack attacks! Even more nerds!

Um ... what?
Um ... what?via Buzzfeed

Our pre-caffeine roundup is a collection of the hottest, strangest, and most amusing stories of the morning. Here's everything that you need to know before taking that first sip of coffee today:

An elaborate revenge hoax orchestrated by hackers against a prominent Internet security advocate turned a quiet Sunday afternoon in a New Jersey neighborhood into a 3-hour SWAT nightmare!

Here's why we won't soon see another another Stuxnet attack. (Hmmm ... sounds like a dare.)

Did Rupert Murdoch's news agency really "hack" cell phones? Let's talk semantics, people!

Netflix is coming to Facebook! Just not in the U.S.

The current buzz is that iPad sales may be 24 times as great as sales of Android tablets. Here's why.

Sure, RIM is laying off 2,000 employees ... but you can still expect new BlackBerry 7 OS smartphones today!

For whatever reason Amazon briefly stopped selling Nintendo 3DS, it doesn't seem to be a problem with the devices themselves and it appears Amazon has sorted it out.

Now the folks behind "Mass Effect" are looking to give FemShep (as the female version of Commander Shepard is called) even more face time.

Oh snap! Rare nerd troika caught on camera!

Here's four ways technology can enable your inner introvert.

In closing, 41 of the Hottest Ladies of Comic-Con!

Helen A.S. Popkin goes blah blah blah about the Internet. Tell her to get a real job on Twitter and/or Facebook ... and see if you can find her on Google+. She triple-dog dares you!