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Pre-caffeine tech: Pugs are the LOLCats for Spring

Buzzfeed via Urlesque

Facebook is looking to hire former White House press secretary Robert Gibbs to manage communications in advance of initial public offering, according to the New York Times.

More importantly, you can now stream "Harry Potter" films on Facebook ... and some other movies that I don't care about.  

Speaking of Facebook, Go ahead and add "Facebook depression" to potential harms linked with social media, according to this influential doctors' group -- it's a condition referring to a condition it says may affect troubled teens who obsess over the online site.

Speaking of sad, in the future, dudes will use fake girlfriends on Facebook and Twitter to help them get real ones...or so Cloud Girlfriend seems to think.  

These days, all the cool kids e-file their taxes ... the numbers are so large that the days of paper filing are quickly becoming a thing of the past.

Meanwhile, Apple will "unveil the future of iOS and Mac OS" in June.

Plus, there's a big rumor going around that Apple's MobileMe service will cost only $20 and include a music locker.

Google is partnering with LG to launch a new Nexus tablet.

Not to be outdone by 4chan (apparently), the "seedy side of Reddit" features porn, racism and Nazi memorabilia.

Not to be ignored by Tim Gunn, pugs in shoes and hats get a style lesson from Tom Ford.