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Programming notes

*** Tuesday’s “The Daily Rundown” line-up: Massachusetts’ Senate candidates from the campaign trail on primary day… a Deep Dive with Grover Norquist on state tax troubles, justice reforms and more… Plus former DCCC spokesman Doug Thornell, former Bush W.H. political director Sara Fagen and the Hotline’s Reid Wilson join the Gaggle.

*** Tuesday’s “Jansing & Co.” line-up: Guests include Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR),  The National Journal’s Chris Frates, The Washington Post’s Jackie Kucinich, NECN Political Reporter Alison King, The Boston Globe’s Matt Viser, Fmr. Secy. LaHood spokeswoman Jill Zuckman, Alfonso Aguilar from Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles.

*** Tuesday’s “News Nation with Tamron Hall” line-up: MSNBC’s Tamron Hall interviews Politico’s Lois Romano, USA Today columnist Raul Reyes, US Chamber of Commerce executive director Kevin Schmiegel, and Former US Attorney Kendall Coffey.