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Romney app misspells 'America'

Update 5/30 1:30pm: The errant slide was removed from the app later in the day. There are now 13 rather than 14 photo-sharing options in the With Mitt app.

A new iPhone photo app from the Mitt Romney campaign made a terrible faux pas upon launch by misspelling "America." For a candidate whose campaign rocks out to "Born Free," this has to be embarrassing. 

The app allows supporters to take a picture that is overlaid with various pro-Romney messages, such as "I'm with Mitt" and "I'm a Mom for Mitt." Several of the art themes feature an outline of the United States and include taglines like "Believe in America." In most instances, the campaign spelled "America" correctly; however, in one instance it misplaced the 'i,' as in "A Better AMERCIA." (h/t Gizmodo.)

Of course, a Tumblr has already launched featuring photos with the misspelled "AMERCIA" artwork.

I imagine the campaign is calling their iOS representative stat — and their app developer.

Romney clinched the Republican nomination for the presidency Tuesday night after winning the primary contest in Texas.