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Skype WiFi global access app available for iOS


Skype has released a new app for iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches that can give travelers access to more than 1 million Wi-Fi hotspots around the world, at places like hotels, airports, train stations and restaurants.

The program, formerly known as Skype Access, is now called Skype Wi-Fi. Skype Wi-Fi access prices start at 6 cents a minute, and "you will only be charged for the minutes you are connected," Skype says on it's blog. Also: "There are no limits on the amount of data you can upload or download."

Happily, "There's no need to buy an hour or day Wi-Fi voucher if you're only looking to check your email or make a quick Skype call," Skype says. And many of us know that often all we need is a few minutes — to confirm an airline reservation or to send a message, or post something on Facebook (hopefully not something like: "Hi, I'm in Paris and my house is empty; come rob me!")

The Skype Wi-Fi app is free to download from the iTunes Store.To use it, your iOS device will need to be running iOS 4.1 or later. And, you'll need to have a Wi-Fi connection to a compatible network, and a Skype account with Skype Credit in place.

You can check Skype Wi-Fi availability and costs here.

As an extra incentive to get you to try the program, Skype is offering a free trial this weekend. From Saturday through Sunday around the world, Skype Wi-Fi will be free to use — for a maximum of 60 minutes.

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