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Turn your iPad into an oversized Game Boy

No, this is not a giant Game Boy. It just looks like one.
No, this is not a giant Game Boy. It just looks like one.Lootiful

Surely this is some kind of violation of all things Nintendo holds sacred. And yet, it's also pretty dang sweet.

Lootiful, designer of "gear for geeks," has created an iPad 2 case that transforms your Apple tablet into an over-sized, old-school Game Boy. Or at the very least, it makes it look as if your iPad has been transformed into a Game Boy model circa 1989.

Lootfiul says pre-orders are coming soon. Until then, you can disguise your iPhone 4 as a Game Boy with Lootiful's similar-looking wrap called the iPWN! case.

But surely, Super Mario himself is not going to be happy about these Apple products daring to pass themselves off as a renowned member of the Nintendo clan.

As everyone knows, Nintendo's mascot is sick and tired of those cheap App Store games stealing his business (just look at what's happened to Nintendo's new handheld game machine, the Nintendo 3DS).  And Mario willhave his revenge.

(Thanks to Wired for the heads up.)

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Winda Benedetti writes about games for You can follow her tweets about games and other things here on Twitter or join her in the stream here on Google+.And be sure to check out the In-Game Facebook page here.