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Wednesday's Mini-Report

Today's edition of quick hits:

* As anti-austerity protests reached the streets in Athens and Madrid, the Eurozone is a mess ... again.

* Syria: "At least two large explosions struck a military headquarters in a busy square in central Damascus on Wednesday morning, in what appeared to be the second insurgent attack on President Bashar al-Assad's military in two days."

* Campaigning in Ohio today, Obama said Mitt Romney talking tough on China is "a lot like that fox saying, 'You know, we need more secure chicken coops.'"

Libya: "President Obama believes the violence in Libya was a terrorist attack, White House press secretary Jay Carney told reporters today, the first explicit acknowledgement of the president's view on the nature of the attack."

* Not only is the American manufacturing sector starting to recover after years of decline, but Obama's manufacturing record is superior to his predecessor's.

* Congressman really shouldn't blame undocumented immigrants for various crimes for no reason. Some level of evidence should still matter.

* Pepper-spray fallout: "The University of California has agreed to pay about $1 million to settle a lawsuit filed by UC-Davis students who were pepper-sprayed by campus police during an Occupy-style protest on campus last November."

* And Mitt Romney believes golfer Jack Nicklaus was the "greatest athlete of the 20th century." I'd make the case for Jesse Owens, Muhammad Ali, Babe Ruth, Michael Jordan, and Wayne Gretzky, but that's just me. (And everyone already knows the greatest athlete of the 21st century: Paul Ryan.)

Anything to add? Consider this an open thread.