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Zynga cracks the whip in new Facebook game 'Adventure World'

Zynga has revealed that it has yet another game in the works.
Zynga has revealed that it has yet another game in the works.Zynga

Zynga has donned a fedora hat for the unveiling of its newest Facebook game. It’s called "Adventure World" and it has Indiana Jones written all over it.

Zynga — responsible for social gaming mega-hits such as "FarmVille" and "CityVille" — hasn’t revealed many details about its newest game except that it is "coming soon." There’s also this description:

Set during the golden age of exploration, you travel the world with friends in search of artifacts, secrets of the past, and adventure! Along the journey, you unlock ancient secrets, culminating in the final secret to be revealed in the lost city of gold: El Dorado!

And there’s this whip-cracking trailer as well:

Zynga has rolled out a fairly stunning number of games in recently. Earlier this month it launched Facebook game "The Pioneer Trail" (think "FrontierVille" meets "The Oregon Trail"). It also brought popular iOS game "Words With Friends" over to Facebook in August and in July launched "Hanging With Friends" for iOS devices. Meanwhile, in June, Zynga released "Empires & Allies," which now boasts 42,600,00 monthly active users on Facebook.

Zynga filed for an IPO in July though it looks like that now may be delayed until November.

For more game news, check out:

Winda Benedetti writes about games for You can follow her tweets about games and other things here on Twitter or join her in the stream here on Google+. And be sure to check out the In-Game Facebook page here.