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First Read's Morning Clips: Trump Camp to Launch Largest TV Ad Buy to Date

A roundup of the most important political news stories of the day.
Donald Trump
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at Joni's Roast and Ride, a fundraiser for a PAC, at the Iowa State Fairgrounds, in Des Moines, Iowa, Saturday, Aug. 27, 2016.Gerald Herbert / AP

OFF TO THE RACES: Trump camp with its largest TV ad buy to date

Donald Trump will launch his biggest TV ad buy to date, spending about $10 million over the next week in nine states.

Dante Chinni writes that talk about the GOP registration advantage might be mostly hype.

NBC's Aliyah Frumin looks at what could happen if Trump loses but tries to stay in the spotlight.

Trump will give a "major speech" on immigration in Arizona on Wednesday, and he'll visit Detroit this weekend to reach out to black voters.

Reince Priebus told one of us(!) that Trump's immigration plan is coming "very soon."

Ali Vitali points out that Trump has been adding to his immigration plan but is still offering only vague details on his view of deportations.

From the New York Times: "Emboldened by Donald J. Trump’s struggles in the presidential race, Democrats in Congress are laying the groundwork to expand the list of House Republicans they will target for defeat as part of an effort to slash the Republicans’ 30-seat majority and even reclaim control if Mr. Trump falls further."

The Clinton campaign's challenge is to keep Trump from poisoning her presidency, writes POLITICO.

Hillary Clinton says she has a plan to help coal country, but residents are skeptical, the New York Times writes.

The Washington Post looks at how Clinton disappointed the gay community early in her political life.

Here's what the alt-right is saying about Clinton's speech last week.

The AP wraps the weekend's debate about the ethics of the Clinton Foundation.

Trump has a big problem with Catholic voters.

Florida is still in play for Trump partly because of an influx of white retirees, the Wall Street Journal notes.

Gary Johnson says it's "not impossible" for him to win if he's included in the debates.