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First Read's Morning Clips: Will the tariffs backfire in Trump Country?

A roundup of the most important political news stories of the day
Image: Peterson Farms Seed facility in Fargo
A worker takes a sample from an incoming truckload of soybeans at Peterson Farms Seed facility in Fargo, North Dakota.Dan Koeck / Reuters file

MIDTERM MADNESS: Will the tariffs backfire in Trump Country?

Republicans are divided about how to beef up their tax cut message heading into midterms, writes the Washington Post.

GOP incumbents are in worse financial shape than they were at the end of last year, POLITICO notes.

The New York Times writes that Trump's trade policies could hurt the GOP in a big way in agricultural states with competitive Senate and House races.

2020: The Washington Post spends some time with Eric Garcetti in Iowa.

FL-GOV: The Democratic gubernatorial candidates held their first debate.

IN-SEN: Back when Luke Messer replaced a lawmaker who was killed by a drunk driver, he failed to disclose the fact that he himself had two DUIs, writes the IndyStar.

KS-GOV: Kris Kobach has been held in contempt of court.

MO-GOV: A judge is slated to rule today on Eric Greitens' bid to have his case dismissed.

And the White House is trying to figure out what to do about Greitens, writes the St Louis Post Dispatch.

NY-GOV: Andrew Cuomo says he'll restore voting rights to felons on parole.

TN-SEN: Bob Corker is saying awfully nice things about Phil Bredesen.

TX-SEN: NBC's Andrew Rafferty writes on that Quinnipiac poll that shows a close race between Beto O'Rourke and Ted Cruz.

UT-SEN: Some Senate candidates are dropping the ball on their personal financial disclosures.

TRUMP AGENDA: “Fruitful”

President Donald Trump is floating the idea of canceling a meeting with Kim Jong Un if he thinks it won't be "fruitful."

Here's a look at some of the potential locations for a North Korea summit.

Mike Pompeo has been sending messages to Kim Jong Un for longer than you think.

Mitch McConnell is figuring out the limits of his control over the Senate, writes the Washington Post.

Karen McDougal is out of the contract that kept her from discussing her alleged relationship with Trump.

Trump's allies are worried that Michael Cohen will flip, writes POLITICO.