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Joe's Buy'n: Biden Treats Senator to a Cone

Vice President Joe Biden gets ready to pay for an ice cream cone after a campaign rally for U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley in Portland.
Image: Vice President Joe Biden licks an ice cream cone
Vice President Joe Biden gets ready to pay for an ice cream cone after a campaign rally for U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley in Portland, Ore.Don Ryan / AP

Vice President Joe Biden gets ready to pay for an ice cream cone after a campaign rally for U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley in Portland, Ore., Wednesday. Biden was in Portland campaigning for Merkley who is being challenged by Republican Monica Wehby.

Image: Biden, Merkley
Biden and U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley enjoy ice cream cones after a campaign rally in Portland, Ore.Don Ryan / AP
Image: Biden, Lobkowizc
Biden holds an ice cream cone as he poses for a photo with Hope Lobkowizc and her son, Owen.Don Ryan / AP