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Huckabee Keeps Focus on Faith

<p>Huckabee says conservatives should talk about faith even if it's not "politically correct."</p>

Former Gov. Mike Huckabee told conservatives Friday that faith should be central to their ideals even if it is not “politically correct.”

The former pastor offered remarks that hit on foreign policy, health care reform and the “criminal enterprise” of the IRS, but his most explicit focus was on issues of faith, abortion and religious liberty.

“I know there’s a God, and I know that this nation would not exist if He had not been the midwife of its birth,” he said.

Saying that God could forget the nation if it ignores faith, he added “I hope that we repent before we ever have to receive His fiery judgment.”

He took a shot at possible 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton over the attacks in Benghazi in 2012.

“I also know that four Americans were murdered in Benghazi and our government lied to us as to what happened, and I know it had not one thing to do with some ridiculous video," he said. "And I know something else, with all due respect to Hillary Clinton, it does make a difference why they died and who did it."

Huckabee also won applause for remarks about gun rights, saying “the Second Amendment is the only last resort we have in this country to protect all of the other freedoms we enjoy, and God help us if we ever forget that.”