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"Cat Bin Lady's" Internet infamy grows

The U.K. Sun's "Whack Cat Woman" game. I smell Pulitzer!
The U.K. Sun's "Whack Cat Woman" game. I smell Pulitzer!

Facebook groups protesting Facebook U.K. Sun would exploit Get revenge on the cat dumper himself a victim 4chan's rapid identification and dissemination the LOLCat phenomenon viral video star Jessi Slaughter harassment newly-launched "Cat Bin Lady" account @CatBinLady: Just passed a shoe shop. Threw one of the sample shoes outside on top of a bus. Why do I do these things? Just so we're clear, Helen A.S. Popkin is the author of this post as well as the previous post on this topic — not the lady who put the cat in the bin. You can follow Helen A.S. Popkin on Twitter or friend her on Facebook ... as long as you don't send her any more hate mail accusing her of putting cats in bins. Dang!