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Internet censoring: Almost everybody's doing it

Image by by Reporters Without Borders

We often scoff when we hear about countries who censor or limit their citizens' access to the Internet, but we somehow fail to realize something incredibly important: Nearly every industrialized country censors the Internet to some degree. Don't believe it? Check this map.

The map was based on data provided by Reporters Without Borders and designed by the folks at as a public call to action demonstrating the sad reality of Internet censorship. If you want, visit that site for many illuminating infographics, or read up on the topic over at the Open Net Initiative's website — they make it a point to gather up data like this. Or you can just plain join me in shedding a few tears over the realization that freedom barely exists on the Internet anymore — and maybe never did.

Related story: Is Internet access a human right?

Rosa Golijan writes about tech here and there. If she wasn't obsessed with Twitter, she'd tell you to go like her on Facebook