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Internet was help — and hell — for Rutgers freshman

Additional reporting by Suzanne Choney the 18-year-old Rutgers freshman who committed suicide after his roommate spied on his homosexual encounter via webcam according to Gawker Googling "suicide prevention" National Suicide Prevention Hotline American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Rutgers' own suicide help male sexuality in high school introduced a YouTube channel The "It Gets Better" project But for every salve for troubled souls that the Internet can offer up, there are many razor-sharp technologies within even closer reach. And committed suicide Wired reported "third degree invasion of privacy," t’s easy, and that’s the problem,” she said. “You think about it, it seemed like a good idea at the time, there's technology that lets you do it, and it’s done." She said that feel In an ironic twist not lost on the media, this week is the kick-off for Rutgers university-wide "Project Civility." It will feature several forums on new technologies, including one slated for Nov. 3 entitled " Catch up with Wilson on Twitter at @wjrothman .