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LinkedIn's apply-for-job button now live

Employers can add the
Employers can add theLinkedIn

LinkedIn has just become much more useful: It has launched an "apply" for jobs button, so now you can just go after the jobs you're interested in without going through website and email hell to find the right places to do so.

If you're on LinkedIn — and more than 100 million people are — it's easy to apply: it's "one simple click," says Jonathan Seitel, LinkedIn's technical product manager, on the company's blog.

"In addition to updating your profile real time, LinkedIn will also show you your professional connections that work at the company to increase your chances of getting hired through a referral," he wrote. "If you don’t know anybody at the company, we’ll show you people who can introduce you to someone there. This is extremely powerful — statistics show that referrals are the #1 source of external hires at companies."

You can also track the jobs you apply for; "we record all 'Apply with LinkedIn' submissions in the 'Saved Jobs' tab (under the Jobs category on LinkedIn) so you have a record of all the jobs you’ve applied to around the web, throughout your career."

These are definitely helpful tools for the weary job-seeker. No doubt; they'll also likely help LinkedIn, whose IPO (initial public offering) last May is part of a social media stock market frenzy.

— Via Mashable

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