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Pre-caffeine tech: Gold LEGO, Facebook law!

via BuzzFeed
via BuzzFeed

Here's everything that you need to know before taking that first sip of coffee today.

Consumer Reports' annual ratings of wireless providers, released Thursday, shows that the major cellphone companies still have a lot of work to do to boost customer satisfaction. (AT&T is the worst!)

Celebrity gossip site TMZ found itself on the other side of the rumor mill Tuesday, after a story claimed it applied for a surveillance drone permit from the Federal Aviation Administration. Here's what you need to know about drones n' journalism! 

Google hacked in Romania and Pakistan? Ummmm ... not quite.

Speaking of Google, the guy in charge of Google+ said ads on Facebook are like sandwich boards and nobody cares. 

Speaking of Facebook ... remember last week's freakout about Facebook copyright issues? Here's a quick review of Facebook Law for Idiots.

The world’s most expensive LEGO is a $14,500 solid gold brick.

Speaking of holiday shopping, check out the heaviest thing you can get Amazon to ship you for FREE! (It weighs nearly a ton!)

If you ever get arrested for child porn, Ars Technica advises that you don't e-mail threats to rape and kill a federal agent.

Here are the top 100 most popular songs of 2012, according to Spotify! 

Oh, and hey Internet Explorer haters! Microsoft is totally trolling you.

In closing, here's concrete proof that Jeremy Renner (aka "Hurt Locker" aka "Nighthawk") is actually Grumpy Cat. 

— compiled by Helen A.S. Popkin, who invites you to join her on Twitter and/or Facebook. Also, Google+.