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In-store screen repair comes to iPhone 5C (but not 5S)

Sean Gallup / Getty Images

Apple will now repair your iPhone 5C's cracked screen right in the store for as little as $149, confirming rumors last week suggesting an expansion of in-store repair capabilities. But if you've got a broken 5S, you'll still have to send it in (and pay more).

An Apple Store employee confirmed to NBC News over the phone that all Apple retail locations should now be able to perform the operations. $149 is the starting cost for a 5C screen replacement, but if complications occur or other damage needs to be repaired (for instance, a speaker damaged when the phone dropped), that will of course come at additional cost.

Note that you can't just bring in a broken phone and drop it off; you'll have to set up a "Genius Bar" appointment online, though you may be able to squeeze in if it's a slow day and you're in the area.

You've been able to get iPhone 5 screen repaired in-store since June, but the machinery to do so is specialized and owners of the 4 or 4S still have to send theirs in to Apple and pay about $229. The 5S, too, is not yet supported by the in-store process.

If you're willing to live without your phone for a few days, you can still save a few bucks by sending it to a third-party repair service, but with the price reduction you're not going to be saving as much as you would have before.

Devin Coldewey is a contributing writer for NBC News Digital. His personal website is