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Surprise! iPad 2 cameras not that photo-friendly

Since the iPad 2's release in February, its dual-facing cameras quickly gained notoriety for their poor picture quality. Thanks to Flickr, we now have numbers to show just how neglected the iPad cameras really are.

According to a recent Flickr count reported on the UK tech blog Electricpig, out of 40 million daily Flickr users, only 22 used the iPad to click and and post their pics. The iPhone cameras saw better use, but only marginally so, considering that there are more iPhones out than iPads. Compared with 22 users who used iPads, 4391 used the iPhone 4, 3316 used the 3G, and 1949 used the 3GS. 

Flickr can detect the source of a video or photo correctly about two-thirds of the time (though they're less accurate detecting camera phones), and you can see today's numbers here

Further evidence of the iPad 2 camera's disuse: only 12,570 images in total on Flickr come from the iPad, compared to 51,331,761 images taken with versions of the iPhone. Electricpig made no mention of how other tablets fared. 

They come with trimmings like a backside illumination sensor, but with a megapixel figure of 0.92, iPad 2 cameras are more comparable to the cameras on the iPod touch than they are to the iPhone cameras, making them better adapted to capture video than stills. While reviewers pointed this out at the iPad 2 launch, Flickr users apparently have also figured this out.  

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Nidhi is a tech news intern at and uses an iPhone and Twitter for her photo posts.