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Twitter gave its bird, Larry, a makeover

The old Twitter logo (left) and the new (right).Twitter

The Twitter bird — who is actually named Larry — has changed. Gone is the chubby fella we've grown to know and love. In his place, there's now a slick, slender creature.

Doug Bowman, Twitter's creative director, announced the changes in a post on the official Twitter blog. He explains that Larry's makeover is an attempt to simplify the "universally recognizable symbol of Twitter." 

Twitter bird
The new Twitter logo wasTwitter/YouTube

According to Bowman, the new look brings together the Twitter staff's love of ornithology, the need to design within creative constraints and simple geometry.

"This bird is crafted purely from three sets of overlapping circles — similar to how your networks, interests and ideas connect and intersect with peers and friends," Bowman writes.

I suppose that all these explanations are fine and dandy, but some part of me will miss the whimsical charm of a chubby Larry — with those silly feathers sticking up on his head and all.

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