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'Breaking Bad' game lets you do what Jesse Pinkman wouldn't: Shoot Walter White

Think the ending of \"Breaking Bad\" let Walter White off easy? This new web game might do the trick.
Think the ending of "Breaking Bad" let Walter White off easy? This new web game might do the trick.SI Digital

Think the ending of
Think the ending ofSI Digital

As pretty much anybody who frequents the Internet has already undoubtedly noticed, the ending of "Breaking Bad" has left a cavernous meth empire-sized hole in our lives with no equally addictive television drama to replace it. But the good news is: if you're still fiending for more "Breaking Bad" and have already rewatched the entire show in one last sorrowful Netflix binge, the good people at British Web design firm SI Digital have created a new browser-based game that lets players do what Jesse Pinkman and all of the show's colorful villains never could: kill Walter White.

"Breaking Bad DEA Shooting Range" is basically a digital version of Whac-A-Mole, except instead of bonking fuzzy little critters on the head, you're shooting at cartoon versions of Heisenberg as they pop up from behind barrels full of money. You can almost hear Walt Jr. (sorry, Flynn) shouting, "Why don't you just die already?" every time Heisenberg's head stubbornly reappears. 

In the description of the game, SI Digital said that "DEA Shooting Range" was developed as a "small tribute" from some "big 'Breaking Bad' fans."

"The idea came after our designer illustrated Walter White for fun and we wondered how this could be brought to life," SI Digital's description reads. "After watching the huge build up to the final episode, we got all inspired by the DEA’s pursuit of Heisenberg, the footage of the original cook scene that Jesse and Walt used and coincidentally, the place Walt buried the barrels. This game lets you rapid fire at multiple Heisenbergs, y’know — because we can."

That's all well and good, but I have to say: SI Digital really missed out on an opportunity to make an epic "I am the one who clicks!" joke here.

But ti's not all lost. Note that the company said that "DEA Shooting Range" was made before the thrilling finale, so nothing's saying that there can't be a sequel where we finally get some closure and maybe, just maybe, find out what happened to Huell. Let's just hope it's nothing like the spin-off show "Better Call Saul" that's got "Breaking Bad" fans so worried. 

-via BuzzFeed

Yannick LeJacq is a contributing writer for NBC News who has also covered technology and games for Kill Screen, The Wall Street Journal and The Atlantic. You can follow him on Twitter at @YannickLeJacq and reach him by email at: