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Fashion Police

In 2010, journalist Nancy Jo Sales penned an article for Vanity Fair about the Bling Ring titled “The Suspects Wore Louboutins.” In the article, Sales described Alexis Neiers on the morning of her 2009 arraignment as “a leggy girl with long, dark hair and shimmering blue green eyes… wearing a tweed miniskirt, a pink sweater, and six-inch Christian Louboutin heels.” 

However, on her reality show ‘Pretty Wild,’ Alexis had said that those particular shoes were not $700 Louboutins, but instead “four-inch little brown Bebe shoes” that she said cost $29.00.

When Dateline asked Neiers about the article, she said that “That one article stemmed so much toxic media and depicted me as this, like, really fame-hungry, like, psychotic girl who is runway walking into court.”

After we showed a representative from Louboutin a picture of the shoes, they told us that they do not believe that the shoes Neiers is wearing in the clip below are Louboutins.

You be the judge.  What kind of shoes do you think they are?