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Bisexual Actor Uses Art to Explore Identity

The "B" in LGBTQ often gets overshadowed by the other letters in the acronym, but bisexual actor and writer David J. Cork is trying to change that with his art and his voice.
David J. Cork (top row, middle) and the cast of the web series "Bi."
David J. Cork (top row, middle) and the cast of the web series "Bi."David J. Cork

The "B" in LGBTQ often gets overshadowed by the other letters in the acronym, but bisexual actor and writer David J. Cork is trying to change that with his art and his voice.

David J. Cork (top row, middle) and the cast of web series "Bi"
David J. Cork (top row, middle) and the cast of web series "Bi"David J. Cork

One way Cork, a 20-something Indianapolis native, is trying to reshape the narrative surrounding what it means to be bisexual is with his YouTube series, appropriately titled "Bi."

“By creating this web series, with the central character being bisexual, it was giving me an opportunity to talk about a subject matter that isn’t main stream," Cork told NBC OUT.

The series follows Alex, a young, black, bisexual man living in New York City (played by Cork). The city is his playground, but, as in real life, the character realizes not everyone will understand him and his attraction to both men and women.

“My bisexuality and me being black are two things that often time clash," Cork said. “I thought it was almost paramount for me to write this series about a black man who also happens to be bisexual. I knew it would be a great way to get the conversation started about black men and sexuality, something we don’t really talk about in my community. The subject is still very much taboo."

In addition to his web series, Cork is also speaking out about issues impacting the bisexual community. In celebration of Bisexual Awareness Week, which this year runs from Sept. 19-26, Cork will be delivering a speech on art and identity at a university in Los Angeles. Cork said his speech will include mention of his experience as a black, bisexual man navigating the world of entertainment, as well as the need for accurate depictions of bisexual characters on television and in movies.

“I just don’t think people really understand [bisexuality]," Cork said. "It's not something that is highly acceptable just yet, because we still live in this very much binary society where either you’re black or white, straight or gay, old or new."

If you can't make Cork's speech in Los Angeles, don't worry -- his web series, now in its second season, is available in its entirety to everyone on YouTube.

“If I can get more eyes on the subject matter, I think people will join me in this conversation,” Cork said. “People have been waiting for this kind of subject for a long time, and now is the time for the 'B' -- the bisexuals -- to have a voice, and if that means I’m on the front lines, so be it."

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