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The remarkable Seth Cook

What others see as a tragedy, Seth Cook sees as a blessing. Born with the rare accelerated-aging disease called Progeria, Seth, who turns 13 this summer, and his parents, Kyle and Patti, strive to live a normal and happy life in the small town of Darrington, Wash. Over a period of six months, "Dateline's" Rob Stafford spent time with the Cooks, and on Sunday, July 2 , 7 p.m., viewers will have a chance to spend time with them, too.

What others see as a tragedy, Seth Cook sees as a blessing. Born with the rare accelerated-aging disease called Progeria, Seth, who turns 13 this summer, and his parents, Kyle and Patti, strive to live a normal and happy life in the small town of Darrington, Wash. Over a period of six months, "Dateline's" Rob Stafford spent time with the Cooks, and on Sunday, July 2 , 7 p.m., viewers will have a chance to spend time with them, too.

At age 2, Seth Cook was diagnosed with Progeria — which means that while Seth will never grow up, and he will grow old at an astonishing rate. Victims of this extraordinarily rare disease (there are only 40 diagnosed cases in the world today) essentially have the bodies of 70 and 80 year-olds, and in many ways resemble their own grandparents more than kids their own age. They also face similar health risks, such as heart attack or stroke.

Inspite of some of the hardships he endures, Seth Cook is determined to live life to the fullest. Watch as he barrels down a hill in a toy truck, reads to a group of kindergarten kids that sees past his illness, and laugh along with him as he takes on his family in a cutthroat game of Monopoly that would make Donald Trump proud.

In an inspirational story, Seth faces the reality of his future with his heart, and eyes, wide open, and viewers will be amazed when they hear what he has to say about heaven.