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Chaotic scene as civilians work to put out another garment-factory fire in Bangladesh

Just two days after a garment-factory fire that killed at least 112 people, another fire broke out at a garment factory in Dhaka, Bangladesh on Monday. This time, there were no reports that anyone had died in the blaze, but the chaos at the scene, where workers and civilians struggled to put the fire out themselves, highlighted unsafe conditions in an industry rushing to produce for major retailers around the world. Read story

Bangladeshi garment workers walk on the burned stairs of the nine-story Tazreen Fashion plant in Savar, about 30 kilometers north of Dhaka on Nov. 26. The factory was the scene of a fire on Saturday that killed at least 112 people.
Bangladeshi garment workers walk on the burned stairs of the nine-story Tazreen Fashion plant in Savar, about 30 kilometers north of Dhaka on Nov. 26. The factory was the scene of a fire on Saturday that killed at least 112 people.AFP - Getty Images

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