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2012: You don't have to go home, but…

Fitting for this campaign… “A power outage in Cambridge forced the cancellation of a forum tonight in which key advisers to President Obama and Republican Mitt Romney were to talk publicly about the recently completed general election campaign,” the Boston Globe reports.

Taegan Goddard: “However, I attended the off-the-record sessions on Wednesday and Thursday and will have quite a big to report once I'm allowed.”

The New Republic’s Scheiber gets his hands on the Romney campaign’s final poll numbers before the election in six key battleground states, which showed Romney ahead in Colorado and New Hampshire and tied in Iowa. And Scheiber spoke with Romney pollster Neil Newhouse to explain the numbers. “Newhouse and some of his colleagues have said that the biggest flaw in their polling was the failure to predict the demographic composition of the electorate. Broadly speaking, the people who showed up to vote on November 6 were younger and less white than Team Romney anticipated, and far more Democratic as a result. ‘The Colorado Latino vote was extraordinarily challenging,’ Newhouse told me. ‘As it was in Florida.’”

Charlie Cook on the poll the GOP should listen to.

Bloomberg/Business Week’s Josh Green reports on the millions of dollars those overly informal Obama campaign emails raised.

Conservatives are not happy with Stu Stevens.